Tuesday, 20 May 2008

2008 is a good year

at last, the Cardiacs live


Monday, 19 May 2008

It is official, I am uncool

I am pleased to announce to the world that I do not belong to any of the top 25 pages / fansites on Facebook... 'how cool is that?'

Proud to be independent! And if you think that is sad, then just remember that 'sad' is 'happy for deep people' (Thanks Steven Moffat)

Inside Facebook » The 25 Most Popular Pages on Facebook

PS, if you don't think I'm too sad, you can always add me on facebook

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Getting it into perspective

This blog found it of great comfort to hear that the government of the day was concerned about the effects of a Nuclear strike in the 1950s. It was also great comfort to note what exactly the concerns were.

They could have been worried about riots, the need for fresh water and even coping with radiation sickness. However, and this is where I find the deepest comfort, their concern was for supplying tea to the nation. Only in Britain would this be of utmost concern, and dear government, I salute thee.

BBC NEWS | UK | Nuclear threat sparked tea worry