However, this year has been such a pain that I haven't:
- had the money to book a holiday
- had the time, thought or inclination to book one if I did have the money
Still it is a fornight off. Will that mean more time to blog? Will that mean more time with the family? Nope, it wil probably mean putting up the shed in the back garden and then writing the book, which is due to the publisher at the end of August. During this time I also have to sort out my work prospects, heal the relationship I am in and be the dad to the kids that they need. And then perhaps I may get a few moments to myself (hey, it's important for a guy read this ) which will need to include blogging , sorting out some websites I'm creating, and hopefully creating some music which I love. With all that going on I had best leave the kettle off and simply drink cold water - well I would if the rain hadn't arrived today, the day before I stop for my summer holiday.
Is a 'fornight' two weeks of fornication? Ha ha ha ha.
I really need to use the spell check a bit more ;-)
That's easy to say with the benefit of hind legs...
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