Wednesday, 26 October 2005

Bananarama review in The Times

Forgive me if I'm wrong but did anyone in the 80's ever take Bananarama too seriously? For anyone who bought, and liked listening to, their records, I am sure that part of the appeal was that it was throw-away pop that didn't take itself too seriously. Now I never bought any of their stuff but they were a laugh and there were many nights out that I found myself dancing along to their bland sound, both prior to the Pete Waterman era and during.

I read with interest the review of their new CD in The Times on Saturday and ended up not sure whether to laugh or let the tea go cold in despair at the reviwers comments

Read it here

The way the review ends by saying that their sound descends into
track after track of forgettable electro-pop that suffers from poor production and the pair’s weak singing

I am sorry but I seem to have missed something, surely that was the appeal of the group! They never were great singers, the music never was greatly produced (there is no argument as to whether Pete Waterman is anywhere near Trevor Horn when it comes to producing) and it always was forgetable electro pop that would never change the world. That was what made them the most successful girl group of the 80's!

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