Thursday, 6 October 2005

Cinema trip

Off to see Serenity at the cinema tonight. Looking forward to seeing it (no idea what it is about apart from it's sci-fi so can relax and enjoy), and to getting a tub of nachos with chillies, mmm nachos.

Tied in to the film is an interview with Joss Whedon, the writer and director, and my blog hero Neil Gaiman, at Time magazine. You can read the interview here. Wil try and tell you what I think of it tomorrow. Ubtil them I've got a day of finishing lots of small jobs.


Anonymous said...

So are you coming to see your blog hero when he comes to Milton Keynes to sign books? I'm going to be first in the queue (or thereabouts!)- I've even dug out old comics for him to sign, including the very first Gaiman I ever bought back in 1993 (or thereabouts!)

It's Saturday 7th November in the afternoon. I may go over to Oxford the night before (if there are tickets) cos he's doing a reading rather than just a straight signing.

Anonymous said...

could do