Thursday, 4 January 2007

Prediction for Milton Keynes 2007

After the merriment and festivities it is time to get back into the swing of life in MK. I wonder what the year will hold for this wonderful place. I gaze into my crystal ball and with confidence can make the following predictions - Russel Grant prepare to be dazzled.

1 Roundacow will become the premier site for information regarding Milton Keynes
2 The MK Citizen will add another section destroying woodland the size of Kessingland each week
3 The MK Dons will be promoted causing Pete Winkleman a problem. He's always smiling and happy, so what will he do when something good actually happens?
4 Despite being a city that was created to grow and relieve the pressure of over-crowding in London, Milton Keynes' citizens will continue to complain about expansion plans
5 Although rail fares increase above inflation you'll still not be able to get a seat on a Silverlink train back from London after seeing the Cardiacs play

you see if I'm right

1 comment:

Anonymous said...