Saturday, 17 February 2007


I have a sore throat and feeling generally a little rough. I'm going to take a couple of cold tablets and then watch Man Utd in the FA Cup followed by Primeval (thought it was Ok, last week, and so will be watching it again.

Took a walk to the DIY shop earlier, I am feeling very green actually. Now that isn't to do with the sore throat and illness, that is to do with the fact that we are still without a car, and so are walking a lot more. This would have been one of the trips we would have previously made via the car, now we need to walk. We wouldn't have been able to carry anything large that we bought home, but this was a purely window shop trip, so full green marks to us.

I feel lucidity slipping even further from my grasp, so I think it is probably time to shut up and find something else to do.

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