Tuesday, 8 May 2007

A long weekend and a lot happened

And so the Bank Holiday weekend comes to an end, and what a weekend it was.

For the first time in ages we managed to get out and about, beyond the local high street, in our new car. I also managed to pull a muscle, or strain a tendon, or something in my left hand. It is between the first and second finger. While this doesn't hurt too much, apart from a dull ache, while the hand is still it does mean that whenever I try and grip anything it hurts quite considerably.

In other news Manchester United are once again Premiership Champions, nine times in fifteen years.

Dr Who was OK, although I am not liking this series as much so far, even though it has been slightly better - OK, I know that sounds weird but I know what I mean. Still the best stories are yet to come and the end of the series promises to be good - no spoilers here :-)

I did a lot more this weekend but at the moment can't remember, if I do I'll post.

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