Sunday, 2 September 2007

Mock the iTunes

Well it was the first week back to work after the summer break. This is one of those times that marks out the year, for me it means summer is over. But just this once I wish summer had actually started.

Being on WinXP at home, I have stuck with Windows Media Player. I quite like version 11 and once used to one media player it can be difficult to change. I do however, use iTunes and have an account at the iStore where every once in a while I'll buy a track I quite like. The problem is that it seems like every time I run iTunes there is a download, so instead of playing the one or several tracks I felt like listening to I have to wait about twenty minutes while I download and upgrade to the latest version. iTunes has now taken over from Adobe Reader as the most updated piece of software I use. Well, perhaps firefox updates more but that update is seamless, quick and often rewarding.

Loved, Mock the Week and in particular Andy Parsons this week. He made the point that people being upset and complaining that they didn't want Camilla to be Queen was ridiculous. It is the whole point of a Monarchy that the people don't choose who will be Queen. If you want to choose then you need a presidency.

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