Thursday, 7 February 2008

Songs / voices in my head

One of the most annoying things in life (for me) is hearing a song in the morning and then being unable to get it out of my head for the whole of the day. Today it got worse. The next stage of this really annoying thing is to wake up with a song in your head. So the first thought you have in the day is a blast of Madonna's Into the groove going round and round in your head. This is what happened to me, and is most upsetting.

I was concerned that it would be with me all day, however I was wrong. Within a few minutes of doing last night's washing up (yeah I know, very lazy) I had the title track of Richard O'Brien's follow up to the Rocky Horror Picture Show, Shock Treatment running through my head. While this isn't really too much of a problem I later thought that I had only seen Shock Treatment once, and I am now unsure as to whether I had the right song in my head, or whether I had subconsciously written something new.

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