Monday, 31 October 2005

Code is out to get me

Following on from my last post where I told you all, yes it was a very interesting post, about my hassle with the table tag, yeaterday I spent what seemed like a couple of hours with another coding problem.

I am doing the html interface for a CD ROM for work, eg I can do it cheaper than the firm who were doing it and as it is simply changing links and adding a few new ones it seemed like an easy job. However when I got into the code I realised I need to add a couple of sections based on what had been coped before. But could I find out which piece of code needed copying? Yep, same answer as the HTML Hell post. To make matters worse the issue is again to do with tables. I mean how difficult can it be to find the beginning of a section, copy it and then rename the text within? So perhaps a late night tonight and I may even revert to using my trusted Hot Dog 7.03 html editor to help me understand the structure.

The Times reviews didn't hold anything worthy of a comment this weekend, but I did manage to catch Match of the Day - both 1 and 2. This does deserve a comment. I thought the aim of this program was to show football, however it seems that they are now trying to turn it into a seeding ground for untapped stand up comedy. It is like Saint and Greavsie without the aforementioned presenters, but equally unfunny. Dear BBC, please leave the football comedy to Fantasy Football.


Anonymous said...

Oh, you're only railing against MOTD because of the Middlesborough drubbing on Saturday. Put that in your Alex Ferguson shaped pipe and smoke it...

Anonymous said...

Actually on both occasions I missed the drubbing and only caught the end of MOTD. However I had already turned Radio 5 Live off before half time on Saturday when I did listen to the match. Even the MK Dons could only get a draw - perhaps I need to find a new team to follow ;-)

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should quit following the football altogether (especially the Dons)?! The MK Kings basketball team are top of the league and the MK Lions Ice Hockey team are doing quite well too!