Friday, 25 November 2005

1 and 1 internet 2

Ok, the battle with 1 and 1 begins today. I will be paying my bill and they said they would refund me. I'll see if they keep their word. If not my wrath will be likened to when Cineworld in Milton Keynes ran out of chillies for their Nachos - never has such vindictiveness ran through my veins as when they got their order wrong.

Still apart from that it has been a quiet week, with the family being ill, me looking after them and trying to do as much work as possible - I need an extra few days to appear from nowhere.


Anonymous said...

If I were you I still wouldn't pay, wouldn't pay the £15 admin fee and start muttering "Trading Standards" under your breath.

Anonymous said...

If it was still dealing direct with them I wouldn't, but they passed it on to a collection agency and those guys give me the creeps. Still look out for further updates ;-)