Wednesday, 28 February 2007


My life is like the TV series 24. Events occur in real-time and I often lose four minutes at a time whilst hearing a loud ticking noise. But there are some striking differences.

  • I sleep for many of the hour-long episodes
  • My mobile phone often has a flat battery
  • I never get involved in convoluted conspiracy theories – unless I am in one and don’t realise it because the conspiracy is so all encompassing that it can’t be recognised

Tuesday, 27 February 2007

The Fast Show memories

Sometimes you need to sit back and have a good laugh. This is fairly old, but if you ever have the need to laugh at a group of people with tics, tourettes and chronic bronchitis, then this is for you.

Saturday, 24 February 2007

Another saturday

I think I have found my niche here at blogger. According to most net surveys the majority of bloggers post during the week, as in Monday to Friday. I presume this is because they have something interesting to say before they go off to a meeting and spout utter drivel - or is that merely my experience?

I have just looked back at my recent posting here and realised that I regularly post on Saturday, or have for the past few weeks. It may have something to do with the fact that we have been housebound for several reasons, not just the lack of a car, and so this is my way of connecting with the outside world... alternatively I may simply need to get out more.

Anyhow, I will again be watching Primeval later on today, it has been quite fun if not too taxing on the brain cells. I presume the series finale will clash with the beginning of Doctor Who, I know what I'll be watching but it will be of interest to see if it dents the viewing figures.

Tuesday, 20 February 2007

I survived

Got through the weekend and the sore throat. Even though it still hurst I even made it into work and have cracked on there.

However, I am very busy at the moment with several new projects all at that nebulous planning stage with no clear direction... still I am sure we can have several meetings to muddy the air :-)

Saturday, 17 February 2007


I have a sore throat and feeling generally a little rough. I'm going to take a couple of cold tablets and then watch Man Utd in the FA Cup followed by Primeval (thought it was Ok, last week, and so will be watching it again.

Took a walk to the DIY shop earlier, I am feeling very green actually. Now that isn't to do with the sore throat and illness, that is to do with the fact that we are still without a car, and so are walking a lot more. This would have been one of the trips we would have previously made via the car, now we need to walk. We wouldn't have been able to carry anything large that we bought home, but this was a purely window shop trip, so full green marks to us.

I feel lucidity slipping even further from my grasp, so I think it is probably time to shut up and find something else to do.

Friday, 16 February 2007

End of week one

So I have survived one week [four days] back at work. It is now Friday evening and I have a sore throat, feel really tired and have spent two of those four days in meetings. Meetings are the bane of existence, they should be banned... I am an introvert who doesn't like to spend long amounts of time with other people :-)

Still, good to get back in the swing of things.

Tuesday, 13 February 2007


Well, I made it back to work and have already, almost, cleared the backlog of emails. Have already been given some new projects to look at and already feeling tired... but it is good to be back.

Monday, 12 February 2007


Here is one that I picked up at work, which works on so many levels. It always leaves me chuckling away, so I thought I'd share it with you.
market intelligence

The best optical illusion in the world

It is Monday morning and to get those brain cells in some sort of functioning order why not take a look at the best optical illusion in the world... ever. After looking at it several times, seeing the proof and reading the explanation it still works. Well I enjoyed it anyway.

You can see for yourself here.

Saturday, 10 February 2007

A very busy Saturday?

No way, I have simply been taking a rest. Will have a quick watch of ITV's answer to Torchwood tonight. I wonder if they'll get things right. Torchwood, was fun but was aimed at the wrong age group IMHO, or to be more precise, it was adult but not intelligent.

In other news, I am reading Stephen King Cell, which has been fun so far, and watching (or should I say DVDing series one of 24 - missed it first time round so watching the box set.)

Friday, 9 February 2007

A weight off my mind

Well, it took some time but I finally managed to go through my gmail inbox and tag and archive everything I needed to keep. It has been on my to do list for ages and was one of those jobs that it is easy to procrastinate over. Still, it is done now - all i need to do is keep it that way.

I am normally very good at keeping email inboxes clear, but gmail had a life of its own. Well that life is well and truly under martial law now.

Life is getting back to normal after the snow, but it was nice while it was here. I like the brightness of the snow :-)

Thursday, 8 February 2007

Snow Day

No need to go to school today as no one will be there. I think all the schools in MK are shut because we have some snow, actually quite a bit.

It's a Snow Day

There is singing in the streets as the kids get a day of school. The sky is full of white stuff that falls onto the ground making it difficult to walk. So everyone gets to stay at home and do nothing, even me... oh, I was doing that anyway.

Some snow pics :-)

Looks like the garden furniture will not be needed today. And I think the cold may have got to that pot plant.

The snow is this thick!!!

At least the rabbit's water bottle was kept warm by one of my socks. On the other hand (or should I say foot) my five toed extremity is not too warm :-)

Time for a nice cup of warm tea I think.

Wednesday, 7 February 2007


... there will be more snow coming tomorrow, and it could be a fair amount.

Monday, 5 February 2007

Nostalgic again

Had a delivery from HMV this morning. It was the second of two nostalgic CDs I ordered. This time it was Ultravox, Rage in Eden. I must getting mellow in my old age because when I was a wee nipper, and 80s child, I wasn't very impressed with Midge Ure's incarnation of Ultravox. I was always a John Foxx follower. However, listening to the opening track 'The Voice' I am thinking that perhaps I was a little unkind to the Scot and should reassess my opinion, after all the rest of the band were the same - okay apart from the guitarist.

BTW, the first CD was the other Ure collection - Vienna.

Thursday, 1 February 2007

Eighties mash compilation

This fantastic, so while it is available, you'd be best to head over here and have a listen.

A mountainous pass

And it came to pass that Darren entered the second month of the year two thousand and seven. He sat back and surveyed the vista before him, and sighed. He had come along way but the journey was not over yet. He had been climbing the mountain, on which he now found himself at the plateau before decent, for what seemed forever. His mind and bones were weary. The journey from now on would be downward and hopefully less physically demanding, but he wasn't convinced.

What stretched before him were opportunities; events he could only wonder at. But first he would rest, recover some of the lost energy used in the accent. He sat down, crossed his legs and closed his eyes. The lids were heavy and within a few moments his breathing was too.

As unconsciousness approached the thoughts and concerns of the journey crept into his mind. His dreaming would be fretful, there were many issues that needed to be resolved. But there were many hopeful signs and the future journey, although unknown, wasn't to be feared. By the time sleep was over, his body and mind would be renewed and ready to face the months ahead.

An answer to my question

I'd like to thank the MK News for answering the question as to what exactly a 'large' casino is. In their report about MK being awarded 'large' casino status they explain that basically it means the casino can offer jackpots of up to £4,000.

You can read all about it here.