Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Blog Death threat, the meme to follow

Ok, what has happened is totally out of order, I mean when have people been threatened for saying what they think? Is free speech dead? Oh yea, it always has been if you don't say what is socially acceptable.

What is worrying about this post on the BBC site (and before you complain I read Kathy's blog and think she is a wonderful blogger and death threats are totally out of order) is the comment that bloggers are doing their own investigation. Can you imagine it, within days we'll have a meme doing the blogosphere rounds

1 Tell me 5 things about you know one knows

2 What drugs have you taken

3 How many times have you had sex in the last week

4 Have you recently sent a death threat to a fellow blogger

After you have done this tag the local law enforcement agency

BBC NEWS | Technology | Blog death threats spark debate

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