Thursday, 31 May 2007

Same old, same old

Not been feeling too well recently and coupled with the fact that most of my spare time has been taken up doing a lot of freelance work I seem to have neglected posting anything here. Also I am a bit lazy at times and so it is far easier to post to twitter than here.

Went to see the third installment of Pirates of the Caribbean the other night. It wasn't bad but at the same time I didn't enjoy it as much as the previous two. I felt a distinct lack of tension throughout so perhaps it was the fault of the director.

Can't really afford to go to the cinema again in the near future and that is a shame as I'd like to see The Simpsons, Shrek 3, Die Hard 4 and Fantastic Four 2 plus all those numbers are beginning to make my head ache.

Prison Break has almost finished on Five so I'll gain an hour there.

And finally Dr Who, as expected, got into its stride with Human Nature. A superb episode, well written and with a scary feel that was worth waiting for. Can't wait for the second part of the episode.

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