Saturday, 2 June 2007

Community saves photo site Zooomr?

Having previously blogged about my online photo storage concerns last month, it was with some worry that I followed the story of Zooomr, a new web app run by two guys. I loved their ethos, openness and the feel of the site. However, as they struggled to upgrade their system to Mark  III their whole tech infrastructure fell apart. They wrote about it, we watched, we felt their pain and they asked for a little help... and boy did they get it.

If you follow the link below you can find out more but basically I think this shows that actually we can be nice to one another every now and then... even the big corporate types. There is hope for this planet yet.

And, when it comes to my next piece of upgrading or what online app to use, my first port of call will be ZOHO, Dell and if I ever have the need Sun.

Official Zooomr Blog : Zoho Saves the Day

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