I did find the news that St Patrick's Day has been brought forward to the 15th March quite interesting. The basic reason is that this year, because Easter is a movable feast, St Patrick's Day falls during Holy Week. And, it is thought that Jesus, being slightly higher up the Catholic pecking order, should have the focus during Easter and not St Patrick. You can read more in the link below, but it got me thinking. What other things could be moved out of Holy Week to make life easier (well, just moved out because they annoy me)?
ireland.com - Breaking News - St Patrick's 'day' moved to 15th
- Torchwood - I need a reason to not waste 45 minutes each week
- Confused[dot]com adverts - why does every character on those adverts get on my nerves (and no I am not linking to their site)
- All the programs currently on TV about freaks, be they eaters, large or small people, or John Barrowman (That covers most of the BBC's output)
- Those adverts about Tiscali and its best ever deal
- Anything that calls itself RnB
- Ben Brown nothing against him, he just makes me feel uneasy watching the news
- Tim Wilcox nothing against him, I just feel he looks too young to tell me anything newsworthy
ireland.com - Breaking News - St Patrick's 'day' moved to 15th
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